Chris & Evie - Open Arms Adoptions

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We are Evie and Chris. We were high school sweethearts and have now been married for 10 years.

We have three boys who are wonderful and will be the best big brothers! Our life together is incredibly joyful, and being parents is by far the absolute most important parts of our lives.

However, we have also experienced several pregnancy losses, which have been devastating. Through it all, we believe that we still have so much love to give and to experience as a family. And we hope to complete our family, adding our last child through adoption.

Ultimately, however, adoption is not about us. It’s about you and your child. And we would support whatever type of relationship that you would want to have with us and your child. We will continue to learn how to best support you and your child throughout this journey. We know that you are faced with a very difficult decision, and we are so honored that you would consider us as adoptive parents for your child. We hope you enjoy getting to know our family.

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