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Understanding the Adoption Process

Navigating the journey

At Open Arms Adoptions, we understand that the adoption process can feel overwhelming and confusing.

We are dedicated to providing clear and complete information to guide you through each step. We want to make sure all of your questions are answered.

Considering adoption can ….

Adoption is a significant decision, and it's natural to have many questions. At Open Arms Adoptions, we believe in honest and transparent communication. We guide you to help you understand the various stages of the adoption process and support you through every step. Suppose you are thinking about the possibility of giving a child up for adoption. In that case, we are here to ensure you have all the information and support you need.
mother holding her new born child
couple holding their daughter

What is the
adoption process?

First, call or text Open Arms Adoptions at 330-697-4751

A social worker will be assigned to work with you and will be there during the entire process.

Choose a family

You will be shown profiles of families that are waiting to adopt. You can meet the family, ask questions and start getting to know them if that's something you'd like to do.

You are matched, now what?

Once you are matched with a family, you can grow your relationship with them. It’s up to you how much you interact and what that looks like.

Financial support

All our services for you are FREE. You are not responsible for any of the adoption expenses. You are also entitled to receive up to $6,000 in living expenses to help with rent, utilities, and groceries. Just let us know what you need.

At the hospital

We will work with you to decide how you'd like everything to go at the hospital—who can be there and who you want to take care of the baby. We'll communicate with the hospital to try to ensure everything goes smoothly for you.

After the hospital

You cannot sign any final paperwork until at least 72 hours after the baby is born. We will arrange for you to meet with an attorney for free to make sure all of your legal questions are answered, too. Your social worker will be available to you after your baby is adopted, too.

what we offer

Comprehensive Support Throughout Your Journey

Financial Support & Free Services

When you make your adoption plan, you are eligible to receive up to $6,000 in living expenses to help with rent, utilities, groceries, or other qualifying expenses. All expenses relating to the adoption are paid for by the adoptive family. All services you receive from us, including post-adoptive support are free.

Medical Support

If you do not have medical insurance, your social worker will help you apply for it. Any pregnancy-related medical expenses not covered by your insurance will not be owed by you.

Lifelong Support

You get 24/7 support. You can contact your social worker anytime to discuss the adoption, or any other topic that you might be worried about or have questions. After you have given birth, your social worker will still be there for you as long as you need, even years later. You will be connected with any resources you may need to help you adjust and work toward other goals you have for your life.
Have Questions?
We know that every birth parent we work with will have many questions and many things that they are unsure about. While every person’s questions are different, below are some of the questions we hear most often.
Our Waiting Families
Your social worker will talk with you about what is important to you in a family for your baby. All of our families have had complete background checks and have passed a homestudy completed by a social worker assigned to them.
Creating Forever Families Through Adoption

Open Arms Adoptions is 501(c)3 non-profit agency licensed by the State of Ohio.

Our mission is to provide a loving, stable home to every child in need. We work tirelessly to create an environment that embraces the unique set of circumstances each of our birth parents, prospective adoptive parents and children bring to us. 
Main Office
11 River St., Ste. B
Kent, OH 44240
Central Ohio Office:*
11 N High St.
Canal Winchester, OH 43110
Delaware Office:*
18 E. William St.
Delaware, OH 43015
*by appointment only. All correspondence should be mailed to the Kent address
© 2025 Open Arms Adoptions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.