As a Mission Ambassador you have several different ways to support our organization and enable others to as well. It’s so easy to be a social media ambassador, just follow our social media channels and share them to your personal pages. Encourage friends and family to do the same.
We need volunteers for our fundraisers. It would be fun to get some friends together and work our golf outing or our signature event, the Annual Wine Pull.
From August to December, we will need Cashback Captains to assemble teams of people to collect and save receipts from Acme Fresh Market to raise some funds.
If you are a business owner, you can sponsor an event and small businesses can support us on Small Business Saturday by donating a portion of their proceeds.
Open Arms Adoptions is 501(c)3 non-profit agency licensed by the State of Ohio.
Our mission is to provide a loving, stable home to every child in need. We work tirelessly to create an environment that embraces the unique set of circumstances each of our birth parents, prospective adoptive parents and children bring to us.