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What Does Adoption Mean to YOU?

Two children smiling to the camera

So excited to announce that we’ve schedule our first Meet-up!

After years of working in adoption, one thing that all of us have noticed is how many people’s lives have been touched by adoption.  Wherever we go, as soon as someone hears “adoption,” they have a story.  Maybe they were adopted.  Or their brother was adopted.  Or their mother-in-law grew up in foster care.  Or they want to adopt a baby.  Or they used to be foster parents. Or they placed a baby for adoption.  Or they need to make an adoption plan for their child.

Whatever the case, although we still don’t do enough TALKING about adoption, it seems that more of us than not have either been touched by adoption or have thought about adopting.

This is your chance to learn what you don’t know.  Teach us what you do know.  Get support for wherever you are in your journey.

Our first meeting will be on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27 from 10:30-11:30 AM

Fred Fuller Park–“Old Jail”–497 Middlebury Rd; Kent OH 44240

Check it out on Meetup.  http://www.meetup.com/Open-Arms-Adoption/events/230488729/

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Creating Forever Families
Creating Forever Families Through Adoption

Open Arms Adoptions is 501(c)3 non-profit agency licensed by the State of Ohio.

Our mission is to provide a loving, stable home to every child in need. We work tirelessly to create an environment that embraces the unique set of circumstances each of our birth parents, prospective adoptive parents and children bring to us. 
Main Office
11 River St., Ste. B
Kent, OH 44240
Central Ohio Office:*
11 N High St.
Canal Winchester, OH 43110
Delaware Office:*
18 E. William St.
Delaware, OH 43015
*by appointment only. All correspondence should be mailed to the Kent address
© 2025 Open Arms Adoptions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.